
Yet another canvas w samples via the Waldorf Blofeld. TAL DAC was used in an effort to 'warm' them up a bit. Uses the most recent FW at the time of uploading: 2.1.13
All emitters were used, albeit w varying parameters, in this tune:
Beware the Beetlecrab

Ambient Electronic Synthesizer Pad Soundscape Atmospheric
  • Tempera canvas
  • Shared by thepreposterist 3 weeks, 5 days ago
  • Modified 3 weeks, 5 days ago
  • Downloaded 46×
  • Download

How to use

  1. Download the canvas.
  2. Copy Blofeld3.canvas to a FAT-formatted USB stick or a micro SD card into a folder named programs.
  3. Plug the stick/card to Tempera.
  4. Press the External storage button and load the canvas directly from external media.