
This is me plucking my bouzouki. First two strings on track 1, second two on track 2, third two on track 3, all 6 on track 4 (three course bouzouki is tuned D-D-A-A-D-D). Then, pitch shifted reverb of them across tracks 5-8. Emitters emitters everywhere! The tracks are not the loudest, so I made them loud. Haha! I use this one on my tempera and S-1 video on YouTube. It does chords well.

Ambient Acoustic Pad Atmospheric

How to use

  1. Download the canvas.
  2. Copy Bouze.canvas to a FAT-formatted USB stick or a micro SD card into a folder named programs.
  3. Plug the stick/card to Tempera.
  4. Press the External storage button and load the canvas directly from external media.