Merry X-Mas every one! 👋🏻😄🎄
Nice plucky sounds with all kinds of FX if you hold down the keys. The Modwheel shows off the great new filter. Used latest beta firmware with 110 bpm. Keyboard is in Ionian/major scale with root note f3#. Make it your own and have fun with it.

How to use
- Download the canvas.
- Copy
PX Traveling.canvas
to a FAT-formatted USB stick or a micro SD card into a folder named programs
- Plug the stick/card to Tempera.
- Press the External storage button and load the canvas directly from external media.
- Download the canvas.
- Copy
PX Traveling.canvas
to a FAT-formatted USB stick or a micro SD card into a folder namedprograms
. - Plug the stick/card to Tempera.
- Press the External storage button and load the canvas directly from external media.